Is anyone still listening to the
President? Perhaps they should with his call for executive action without
Congess, but in reality is anyone still paying attention to this dilettante? President Obama seems far too happy with plaudits and rose colored glasses and the main stream media seems ready to help him along here.
What is worse, Obama continues to play the game of do as I say, not as I do. (This unfortunately is not much different than most politicians, but he is President now.)
For instance, when President Obama talks about equal pay for equal work in the country, why is it that his idea only applies outside the walls of The White House? According to a
2011 report The White House average salary for a male was $71,000 per year; for females $60,000. I wonder why the discrepancy in equal pay for equal work in his own shop.
Next, the President refers to job growth of eight million new private sector jobs, but notice in his
speech, he was referring to jobs after 2010. The net growth rate of jobs since Obama took office is
only 3.2 million - a paltry number during any administration - and a reason for the growing dissatisfaction of youth voters towards Obama. His job numbers do not include the layoffs at the state and local level or the nearly 4.2 million private sector jobs that were lost during his administration
prior to 2010.

Finally, the President's prized piece of legislation...the Affordable Care Act - which has proven thus far to be anything but affordable. The President claims 9 million new sign ups for his signature legislation. Nine million! Wow.
Unfortunately, once again, this is campaign talk and bluster.
First, we know that millions were told if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, which has turned out not to be true as millions were dropped from existing coverage they had. Second though, millions signed up for the ACA (or Medicare)...because they were newly eligible. That is not the same as they signed up because of. While I will not attempt to teach the President about cause and effect, his own administration
does not back up his claim and we know that many of the "uninsured" who are now covered,
did have insurance, but changed policies under the new exchange system.
I guess President Obama is no worse on his numbers game than most politicians, but the question for me is anyone still listening? He continues to talk the talk, but his administration doesn't walk the walk...or it does so with disastrous results.
I saw President Obama in New Hampshire, when he was the junior US Senator from Illinois, and I saw the Bobby Kennedy-like charisma that I had heard older generations speak of, but he is still in campaign mode. After five years he still can tell me who is to blame for a malady, but he has no fixes, only that someone else is responsible for it. Meanwhile, under the management (I won't use the term leadership) of
Speaker Boehner, Republicans have no new ideas and look lost in a wilderness that have self created.
Is anyone listening? I am ready to go back to sleep which doesn't seem that different than the three in the picture above.