First, our venerable Customs and Border Protection who has
multiple sites across Arizona, California, and New Mexico to detain Americans
traveling wholly and entirely within the United States and ask them questions about their national heritage has recently confiscated and then destroyed thirteen wooden flutes
of Boujemaa Razgui, a classical flutist, who
has performed with these same instruments at the Lincoln Center
and with both Shakira and Beyonce.
Being the all powerful government they are,
they refuse to apologize
for destroying these rare instruments, just as they seem comfortable not
apologizing for performing their primary mission of stopping foreign nationals
from invading the country illegally.
Should I mention Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?
Why is it again and again, when our
government makes a mistake they refuse to try to fix it? We get it that the US Government is not
perfect. It’s okay that you hit the
baseball into the living room window, but now you have messed something up and
you need to go mow lawns until you can pay to replace the glass.
That being the case, how many of you who voted for President
Obama are loving that decision now that they have forced through the Affordable Care Act
and you get to not only pay higher premiums, get dropped from the insurance you
did like, but now can’t get verified to receive treatment? Let me get this right, I can’t keep my doc,
have to pay more, and still can’t get service.
Thank you President Obama for creating a whole new black market called
medicine. You say you want more people
insured and covered, well you have just done the opposite.
Any apologies from 44?
How about Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid? Of course not. You will remember, they are all exempt from
the provisions of the ACA which they all loved so much they could not wait to
force it on you and I.
The ACA is now causing people with chest pain to leave hospitals without being seen
because their brand new, shiny Obamacare insurance can not be verified. Woops.
I am tempted to give these lawmakers the benefit of the
doubt on these issues that this is not
what they intended, but they realized there were problems and refused to delay
the entire process, instead carving out for themselves exemptions that the
ordinary American can not have for themselves.
I realize that these issues would seem not to relate, but in both cases, you have bureaucrats acting in their own manner. They are acting arbitrarily and capriciously without thinking through the consequences of their own actions and considering the effect on the populace.
While many Americans think about George Orwell and the spying in 1984, I am much more concerned about Animal Farm and the statement “all animals are equal, some are just more equal than others.” Somewhere along the line President Obama became too comfortable with this idea to the chagrin of the rest of us.
While many Americans think about George Orwell and the spying in 1984, I am much more concerned about Animal Farm and the statement “all animals are equal, some are just more equal than others.” Somewhere along the line President Obama became too comfortable with this idea to the chagrin of the rest of us.
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