Saturday, June 7, 2014


If you had money on California Chrome in today's Belmont horse race you likely already know you lost.  Unfortunately co-owner Steve Coburn lost the point in post race comments when he complained about a process he was a part of before it began.

After his horse came in fourth, Coburn unleashed his fury in comments to NBC that "It's not fair to these horses that are running their guts out..."  When I watch the video it doesn't look like he is running his guts out.  It looks like California Chrome is being beaten like a wild animal that is out of control, not a domesticated one who several people had noted would probably have trouble with the longer Belmont track.

Second it isn't fair to complain about a process after your horse gets real close to the Triple Crown and comes up short.  In horse racing there have only been eleven horses to complete this feat.  I bet there is a reason.  Like, the tracks are different.  Like, the horses are put through the equivalent of a marathon over five weeks.

I get this is a tough loss, but Mr. Coburn you said "would go down in history."  Don't complain when the history isn't the one you envisioned.

Recently I saw a comment from a baseball mom.  It said my son never loses.  He either wins the game or he learns a lesson.  Perhaps the lesson here is stay humble in victory and find a lesson in defeat.  If that is good enough for little leaguers, it ought to be good enough for an adult man who has the money to own race horses as a hobby.

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