Personally, I am happy they did it because now we can skip the mea culpas about "not my fault" and I didn’t mean to when they really mean, they didn’t mean to get caught BS. This type of behavior is exactly what Brian Holloway called it: "a migrating mass of absurd ideas and entitlement." That's right, this behavior happened, not because it is okay, but because the kids feel entitled and parents are more likely to lash out at the person trying to correct their child's behavior than they are at their kid who they apparently have skipped parenting for the past sixteen to eighteen years.

Instead of parents showing up with their child to help clean up the property, Holloway has reported multiple parents have threatened to press charges against him, sue him, or firebomb he and his family after he reported what their children had already reported via Facebook, Twitter, etc. Is this a joke?
Your kid breaks into someone else's house. They are obviously underage, yet still probably engaged in drugs, alcohol, and potentially date rape when you read some tweets about roofies and being unable to wake up young women. Your kid tweets about all of the above and you are mad that someone says, you shouldn't out my kid? Really?!?
Hey, better idea...raise your kids to have a clue. Help them learn a little respect for not only their over inflated egos, but for other people's property. Instead, you are worried your kid won't make it into college now. Maybe college and being around more drugs and alcohol isn't quite the right place for your temperamental child whose value system is pretty poor anyway.
While the students' behavior was bad, in general, it is the defensiveness of these moronic parents that is worse. How can we grow as a society when parents defend the actions of these wannabe parasites who think the world will just show up and deliver to them? For those parents who think this is okay, you should be glad Mr. Holloway is trying to help get them on the straight and narrow. Some folks wouldn't go the route of education and helping them like Holloway is with his Help Me Save 300 Initiative. Some folks would use force - deadly force - to stop this. Whose side is the law on when it comes to defending yourself and your property. What happens if it isn't Holloway's home, but that of George Zimmerman?
Since some of these parents are so eager to go to court to save their precious Johnny's reputation, I hope Mr. Holloway follows suit and not only presses criminal charges, but engages in his own civil suit against these parents who think this type of behavior is acceptable. I would love to be on THAT jury. It isn't often that the defendant puts the evidence against himself or herself out there for all to see, but in this case, how much easier could the case be?

You clearly went into CYA mode when you decided that it was a good idea to delete that evidence against little Johnny, despite the fact it had already been posted and screenshots had been nabbed. Much more important to deny, deny, deny than take Mr. Holloway up on his offer to help clean up his place. Smooth move Ex Lax! I realize your poor little one shouldn't be exposed to the idea of cleaning up urine soaked carpets, but maybe they shouldn't have been exposed to urine soaked carpets to begin with.