Monday, February 10, 2014


Okay, so as I start doing reviews of food, shows, or anything else, I am using a star system like anyone else.  That being the case, I am a little more particular than the traditionalists and instead of offering up half stars on a four star chart, will be using five stars.

I have zero desire to confuse anyone so please understand the rating system.

As many of you know, I am in medicine and there is something known as a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch that can be deadly.  Well, just as deadly from a service standpoint is a delivery/expectation (D/E) mismatch.

One Star: I will likely never set foot in your establishment again.  You have missed the boat and entirely lost me on the whole delivery/expectation mismatch.  Here the delivery is much smaller than the expectation leading to an experience which is probably less than 0.5 if we were to quantify it.

Two Stars of course means our delivery number is still lower than expectations, but you were closer to equaling a "one" experience.

Three Stars is where D and E are equivalent.  I walked in and things were as expected.  I should note also I grade on a curve.  Colin Cowherd is right about Chili's.  You will never get a great meal and you should never have a bad meal at Chili's.  They are just there.  That being said, I do grade them differently than a fine dining place.  Chili's charges me $12 for steak, fine dining $32.  There is a difference and from a knowledge, service, and execution standpoint, I expect fine dining to be better.  If you can't be...go run a Chili's.

In any case, Four Stars is obviously where D exceeds E creating a 1+ event which leads to Five Stars, where D is much higher than E.  I doubt I will be giving many of these out, but try me.

Now, everyone should be on the same page for my food and entertainment reviews.  You can disagree...I'm not offended, but come on.  Really?

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