Saturday, February 1, 2014


Post Grammys I heard a discussion of Christian friends who were worried about BeyoncĂ©'s performance and the homosexual weddings that took place.  The question was posed, would this happen at the Super Bowl or further, when would it happen?

The responses were pretty typical, but ran in fear.  It was the normal discussion about of course the NFL would allow gay marriages at the Super Bowl (at some point), the whole thing is awful.  It was the language of chicken little:
"The sky is falling, the sky is falling...the world is filling with darkness and coming to an end."

And?  And, so what?

As Christians, you know the world is coming to an end.  Your life on Earth is short lived, so who cares what the Super Bowl or the Grammys or popular culture does?  You say you are a're supposed to be in the minority.

Do you remember Matthew 19:24?  Easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle mean anything?  Christianity is not easy and I am not sure it is supposed to be easy unless we are ready to submit ourselves to Christ.

In that chapter, Christ talks to his disciples about following him and giving up everything and that when he is seated on his throne they will be seated on thrones as well.  He speaks about those who abandon "houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more..."  It doesn't sound easy to me?

I bring it up because why do we care what pop culture does?  It isn't enough for someone to judge the situation for themselves and decide they are right.  There is human law which comes from divine law about what is right and wrong.  Isn't that what we believe as Christians?

Don't we understand there is a certain irrationality to a person who claims to be a good person using their own standard?  In essence they are saying, I am God Almighty, I can determine what is and isn't good for myself based on a changing cultural vector point.  If we believe that to be irrational, why do we let it bother us when they chant their beliefs?

Maybe I am wrong, but when things like this happen in modern culture, I am disappointed, but not surprised.  We live in a broken world and as Christians we have the opportunity to add light to that world, but why do we run and hide when the world answers us back it wants the easy way?  How many times does God ask us to repent and we don't?  Why should we expect more of others?

Fear not my Christian brethren.  Life may be short.  We may be in an awful world, but ours is to submit to Christ, not despair when the battle is against us.

I guess this is the same talk I hear again and again.  America is going down hill, the NFL is going down hill, etc. etc.  It may be, but that is okay.

Remember, it was Christ who said, "In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.” (John 16:33)  We needn't fear anything the NFL does, or the direction towards Evil that America may be turning in.  Christ has outlasted the NFL, America, and will do so with everything else.  Be of good cheer.

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