Who knew?
So my dear wife has joined the blogosphere with her once weekly memo,
Wednesday's Words. I'm not sure it has the catchiest of titles, but what can you do?
In this week's edition however, she decided, to run through all the deleteriousness that our marriage had been on her life....like giving up Pepsi for
Coca Cola. Personally, I don't think it was me as it was the ridiculous heat and humidity we found in Cambita, Dominican Republic while building a school house as part of a church trip. During lunch and occasionally for fun, our local hosts would treat us with liter bottles of cane sugar Coca Cola. It gets pretty easy to give up on Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, or almost anything else when you are losing three pounds a day in sweat. It also makes your newly minted hubby something of a rock star when he drives around on other people's scooters as a Dominican Republic James Dean.
As for the rest of the list, shouldn't everyone know who
Legendary Santa is? My question is how did R-V-A (Richmond, Virginia) get so lucky as to pull that one off?
To the others...I don't make her eat sloppy joe, but it is one of those childhood things that now and then
I crave. Maybe I'm pregnant, who knows?
I don't make her listen to sports radio...I think my oldest son does.
I don't wear heels either.
Zero clue who turned me on to pepperoni and black olives pizza, but thank you.
You also don't have to have very front row tickets, but if I am in section 829 at a game or a show, what is the purpose? So I can buy the teeshirt? No thanks. We don't go to nearly as many ball games now as we did when we were Orioles season ticket holders so I am spending the same amount of money, I am just doing it on fewer live games. There is an economic principle here about buying better quality or something, but when you are sitting front row by the visitor's dugout and their pitcher tosses your kid a ball (thank you
Gavin Floyd) there is something kind of cool about that. He aint tossing to section 340.
She does fine with keeping score, but I keep track of pitches because as we all know there are metrics out there that predict pitcher success based on whether or not a pitcher can throw a strike when he throws his third pitch. No, I don't mean strike three, but whether you are 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2, the third pitch should be a strike. If you don't have the zone figured out yet, you probably cant be on my mound.
She thinks she knows emergency medicine acronyms. Ha.
She does go get me great limited edition runs of ice cream like Scotch Scotch Scotch. Sorry, I have another huge issue with butterscotch. Want to sell me something, add butterscotch.
Look here Mr. Suprun, this BMW has the finest of features: steering wheel, tires, windshield, and look....butterscotch ice cream. I mean really, what's not to like?
In any case, it's nice to know after all these Valentine's Days I have had some influence.