I'm just not sure I can agree with the Duke freshman who was recently outed as porn star Belle Knox when she says she isn't being exploited. I just don't think I can go that far, but what I can say, is once you remove the moral issues associated with objectifying your body, she is at least trying to better herself to pay for law school.

I am amazed.
Perhaps it is the juxtaposition of the two issues so close together, but in one case, you have a spoiled brat, who attends an upper end private school and has mom and dad getting her ready for college, but she feels entitled to ask for even more. Canning, according to court documents, apparently feels comfortable being busted for underage drinking and being suspended from school. She feels comfortable enough to move out from mom and dad's house, but then wants them to pick up the tab for college. Ha!
Meanwhile, we have the student better known as Belle Knox. I am not sure why one of her classmates decided to out her career choice and again, I don't condone it, but instead of saying pay for me, take care of me, she is actively working to pay for her own college bills and lifestyle. Again, it is not a lifestyle I would encourage anyone to subscribe to, but unlike others (Sandra Fluke, are you listening?) she didn't ask me to pay for her behavior? Her actions have their own consequences, but at least she is not running around thinking she is entitled like Miss Canning.
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