Sunday, May 4, 2014

Nerd Prom 2014

Once again it is that time of year when nerd prom occurs in Washington DC.  Nerd prom is a colloquial term for the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner which has morphed from a roast like event where the President and press can gather together and enjoy each others company in a casual environment to a set of parties pre- and post-dinner parties that seemed more focused on celebrating themselves and their position.

As per expected, the President had a few self-deprecating jokes talking about the rollout of the Affordable Care Act and the difficulties of other government administration, but immediately went on another vicious set of attacks against possible Republican favorites for 2016.  Unlike previous Presidents including President Clinton, both President George Bush and George W Bush, and President Reagan, Obama seems unable to laugh at himself.  This lack of vision of himself in the mirror is disturbing because it continues to show him as an academic out of touch with society.

He seems unable to grasp that the Affordable Care Act has been anything but a success.  In terms of bureaucratic quagmires, it ranks up there with the initial response to Hurricane Katrina.  Additionally, Obama has refused to listen to calls for special prosecutors on the issue of Benghazi and the IRS attacking groups on the basis of ideaology.

It is becoming increasingly clear that President Obama is much more comfortable in a society where he tells us what is best for us.  He clearly does not trust the same people he asked to trust him with their vote for President.

Unfortunately for the rest of us it seems that the nerds are sitting in their circles talking about how brilliant they are without recognizing the capabilities of the others outside their circle.  Working in Washington DC previously myself, I remember a lesson taught by one of my best bosses ever, Becky Norton Dunlop.  She taught me that decisions are best made at the local level and that decisions made in Richmond or Washington, often did not have the clarity of those up close to the problem who dealt with it daily.  The lesson was not lost that bureaucrats liked solving other people’s problems despite the fact that the problems continued on, no matter how much money you through at a problem.

Nerd prom reminds me that when we sit in little groups of yes men (and women), we end up with group think.  Group think doesn’t contribute to finding solutions, but only supports the group.  The return of Nerd Prom 2014 reminds me of the danger of insulated people sitting in their circles making decisions for the rest of us: solutions without problems.  Celebrate yourselves media and Washington insiders.  Nerd prom will return I am sure.

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