As I noted the other day in a blog piece, Yogi Berra was right when he said Little League was a good thing becase it got the parents off the streets. If only I could keep the careless ones out of baseball coaching.

realize some parents have kids with ADD who do not understand how to follow instructions, but do us a favor and do not get into the coaching business then if your own game is not fixed...first.
Crazy idea I know to have your own act together before you try to help pre-pubescents with theirs.
I know the concept is a big one that you should be able to have your act together before you take on responsibility for someone else, but apparently this lesson in organization, teaching, and motivation has missed some folks and they seem to have congregated these past few weeks in little league baseball. Let me paraphrase a great quote about baseball: nothing is easy, but nothing is impossible in the game. That being said the adults have got to get out of the way of the kids or baseball will continue to see dwindling numbers at the youth level. Pathetic!
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