Friday, August 29, 2014


So I have a personal affinity for the music of Five for Fighting and I am not sure why I like John Ondrasik and his music more than other musicians, but what can you do? In any case, this being the first week of school I bring you The Riddle by Mr. Ondransik and Company.

For me this is a great song of reflection.  Where are we?  Where are we going?

After the first week of school I suspect all three of mine realize their place in life may or may not be as big as they thought it was. 

Giant world.

Millions of people in their immediate community.
Millions more in their state.
Billions of people on their tiny planet.
How many more planets out there amongst the billions of stars?

In between there are lots of quizzes and test...both in school and in real life.  How do you know which are important?  What is the meaning of life?

Well, according to the lyrics..."a Dylan song, the eclipse of the moon, looking into an angel's eyes."  There is also a great line about the batter swings, the summer flies" which gets me.  How many summers have my eldest and I already lost?  I shouldn't say lost because they were well spent watching baseball, playing catch, going to practice, or playing the game, but wow they go by quick.

I guess I like this song because while we all have our measures of success, he brings it back to a pretty Christian ethic of your relationship with those around you.

Love your neighbor as you love me.  Make your relationships one of support and nurturing and they will work out well.  Become conceited and use relationships only to press gains and bad things disrupt the natural for your own selfishness.

In any case, I am confident public schools today are not talking about developing and maintaining relationships so maybe we will sit down tonight and have ourselves a nice little, relaxing song tonight and see what they think. 

Go find your meaning in life and I hope you enjoy Friday Night Music as well.

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