Friday, February 28, 2014

All Along....

I know a million and one people have covered this song, but I think I first heard it via Dave Matthews, so...this is the guy I love to hear doing it.  U2's version is awesome too, but different than Dave and I am too young to remember Hendrix or Dylan doing it.

So, what else is there?

Well, not too much to get excited about...right?  I mean when the hour is late we need to keep perspective, right?  I have to disagree about life being a joke, but keeping perspective is key.  Makes me think of work though and who wants that when they should be enjoying Friday Night tunes?  There ya go.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Broken We Stand

In 2008 the Republican Party decided it would nominate a moderate - John McCain.  In 2012 we were told again that a moderate - Mitt Romney - was the only way to go.  You remember the record, right?  Zero for two?

Now in Virginia, the Republican party establishment wants to nominate Ed Gillespie, to be the nominee for the US Senate.  Why?  A great article over at Deo Vindice sells the point perfectly.

Are there not enough career politicians floating around?  I am blown away that anyone could seriously believe this is the way to go, to hire a campaign hack to run for office.  Where is Karl Rove when you need him?  (I'm joking.)

It is a scary thought, but at some point the Grand Old Party is going to have to find something to stand for and what is stands for can not just be the same big business that is currently buying the Democratic Party.  If there is no difference between the candidates, why am I even voting?

As the blog notes, why should conservatives or even Republicans vote for Mark Warner II?  Ed looks more than happy with Terry McAuliffe and Bill Clinton.  (I take back my previous question.  Republicans should vote for Ed so that he can steer state business, courtesy of the taxpayers, to Republican businessmen, instead of to Democrat businessmen.  What was I thinking?)

The point is the GOP needs to figure out who and what they are?  What do they care about?  At this point I am not sure and am increasingly surprised by the things that come out of their mouth, but it is time Republicans figure out and who and what they are.  It is time to know where we are on government spending, taxes, national defense and civil rights, and the various wars on drugs, poverty, and so forth.  It is time for the Republican Party to stand up for something other than big business.

I mean today the House Ways and Means Committee announced a tax reform bill to day that included a two hundred page summary.  Let me repeat that...a TWO HUNDRED PAGE SUMMARY.  Are you kidding?  How about a tax form that asks income and engages a flat tax.  That is reform.  Instead we are still playing favorites games to decide which business should benefit from government involvement.

I pray the GOP will learn before they become a permanent minority without any rights.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

KO...Technically Speaking Of Course

Without questions one of my favorite segments, I ever hear George Carlin do was on Muhammad Ali and his not being allowed to box because he was an objector to the war in Vietnam.  As Carlin said, the government wanted him to switch from beating people up to killing people...a job change Mr. Cassius Clay at the time wanted no part of.

Today in history of course, was Clay's fight against Sonny Liston on February 25, 1964.  The fight which ended in the sixth round as a result of Liston saying he could not go on, was the TKO that have Clay his first heavyweight championship.  They would fight again resulting in the knockout that Clay had promised in the first fight.

To celebrate, I bring you the Knockout.

This drink is made with a half pour of Anis liquer, three part pour of dry vermouth and gin, and a splash of white crème de menthe.  Combine the ingredients into a chilled shaker, strain into a martini glass, and a maraschino cherry.  A quick toast to perhaps the greatest fighter ever and down the hatches.  Bon Apetit!


So first big girl's birthday, then momma's birthday the next day.  What is a guy to do?

Whew.  I don't know how people did it back in the day, but I might say thank you Outlook.  On the other hand, my best man had a speech on my wedding day where he started out talking about how a wife is like a leatherman.  A leatherman?  Really?!?

You nod politely and listen and just go with it, but it takes a while before you say, yeah, maybe he was right.

It took me a while (and at least three children, if not all four) to get he was right.  People give me a hard time all the time because sometimes I call Dianne the horse, but the crux of that isn't she is an old nag, but that she is the work in the family.  She is also the glue that keeps everything sticking together and working.

Most of the time she let's me be the pretty one, the face of the franchise so to speak, while she get things done (and I am not the pretty one.)  She lets me be Babe Ruth, while she is Lou Gehrig, juggling grocery shopping with two boys' desires to play Minecraft, a budding princess who wants to have her hair done, and an infant...all the while supporting me while I hop scotch across the country and world talking EMS or disasters like I am at the upcoming Spring Fling Conference in Idaho or the South Carolina EMS Conference.

I have zero idea how she can keep #23 doing his homework, while #24 asks to have her hair done, while #12 is practicing baseball, and keeping #27 from eating something off the ground, but that is the whirlwind capability of my girl.  So....hopefully, I have not messed up her birthday too much this year as she asked for and is getting a toned down version, but either way, she is my queen, my princess and certainly my leatherman - the one part of my life I couldn't do without.

Baseball Broken Dreams

It is well known I am not the smartest cookie in the cookie jar, but I do try to know what is in the best interests of my kids.  So a few weeks ago I posted about coaches complaining about their kids and the parents not trusting them.  Woops, I thought baseball was about the kids.  What was I thinking?

Well, lo and behold, karma becomes reality.

For my coaching friend who said his rec team was ready to take the next step and become a select team despite lots of defensive holes, several pitching issues, and undisciplined bats, I assume your 1-2 tournament record, speaks for itself.  Yes, I am going to be the one who told you so, because you wouldn't listen to reason and understand that you can't play family ball at the select level.

The honest answer coach is you were right.  One kid doesn't make a team, but when you push the kid off your team who no hit you, because you are so Hellbent on going select that you won't look at objective numbers, all you get is bent by Hell.  One kid doesn't make a team, but you can pull a key cog off your defense and out of your rotation and kids who can go full games at this age, do not grow on trees.  You have been coaching a lot longer than I have which is why I wonder why you didn't realize even with a switch pitcher who can finish the games he starts, we didn't have enough arms to compete at the rec level, much less a select one.  I suspect this is going to be a long season for you.

No, I will admit this too.  Yes, you will have some successes, but I don't see a tourney win this year and if you are playing rec ball, isn't that what it's about?

I have already heard your excuses from the weekend because I am sure they were the same as last year's.  Let's see: (a) it was too early to play a tourney and the kids weren't ready [despite practicing since December are you really going to pound the kids for getting beaten by a lesser seed in the first round of elimination play?], (b) they didn't do what you told them [maybe because drills need to be changed to maintain focus and attention to detail and develop new skills], (c) the umpires blew too many calls [umpires dont make or break games for teams...teams make or break games for teams], or (d) we were just unlucky [well in baseball you can make your own luck by being prepared and executing.]

For me, I feel bad for the other parents who will have to endure a full season of "almost."  Excuses just don't last the test of time and the dedication factor of some of the people who you have selected is less than you are willing to admit now.

In fact, I find it funny that you are okay, bad mouthing the kids who continue on your team after claiming there was no way they would be on your select team.  I know you got played by other parents who told you whatever they told you about coming over, but I was straight.  I was amazed you would ask a kid to teach how to throw both ways to a kid who doesn't put in the effort to throw correctly from one side.  I am still amazed you ignored the idea to stay rec, fix some issues and win a tournament at the rec level before the team went select, but you ignored that advice.

Now your parents and kids get to pay more for games they are going to be increasingly outgunned by teams that prepare in a more varied way.  Sure, there are other select teams, like yours that will muddle through the middle, but again, consistency counts.

One of these days the kid above is going to add to his no-hitter list and next time it may be against your team (again).  I worry your team is still going to be standing around in the field waiting to hear the excuse then for why you lost to a kid you were so desperate to kick out.  Either way, it makes for a season on broken dreams for kids who deserve better.

Monday, February 24, 2014


If only I had known.

They say daughters are tougher than boys and I am sure we are probably fast approaching that age, but when you are the dad, or in my case, the papa, I don't see to many downsides.  I guess I am on the lucky side of the stresses of girls thus far, but so , so much better than good.

Nothing but funny watching you do your hair all up or try to paint your nails or keep up with your oldest brother playing baseball.  Those are all fine and dandy, but just sitting with me, ah, perfection.  (It's almost like watching a no hitter lose to a perfect game pitcher.)  When is our next Corda and Daddy night?

We could watch the Jungle Book...or Little Mermaid....or even just watch the crazy Disney channel.  No matter, as long as it's me and you and your mama and bubbas and sister.

Keep working hard in school and your papa will keep sending you flowers to school, even if they say I can't, or college or work.  You work on school and getting smart and strong and stay away from those smelly boys a little longer.

Happy birthday big girl!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Soul Cleaner

Did you see what I saw in the media?  You know...about Pope Francis?

For some reason, as this article mentions, the main stream media seemed to miss the comments His Holiness made about Confession.

I know.  Amazing.  Pope Francis - the media darling who is supposedly a liberal - is encouraging the faithful to be cleansed via Confession.

He reminds us that priests act as representatives of Christ authorizing them, as Christ authorized his twelve, that those sins they forgive, are forgiven. (Matthew 6:14)  He also assured us of the gentleness of Christ's representatives: "Jesus is there...and He receives you with so much love."

It is a powerful message to give up the burden of our sin to the one who died for it.  We should follow His Holiness' call for greater attention to Confession and the subsequent beauty that comes via Reconciliation.  Again, Pope Francis delights.  It's just too bad the media didn't seem to want to hear this message.  Again.

Clothing Colors Make Less Difference Than Effort

So my most recent Dallas Morning News column got posted.  While I normally post the text within my blog, I would love it if you wander over to the DMN site and read it there.  I guess I am being bad and hoping for an extra few hits for my editor to take notice of from my loyal readers.

The bottom line preview for you though is clothing can make the man (or woman), but the usual clothing choices do not show where the real battle is in terms of statistics.

If you have a moment, this Sunday morning, I would be grateful if you would check it out and ruminate on your way to church or whatnot.  Thoughtful comments are always appreciated and I am already busily working on another education column that I have in mind for a few weeks from now.  Everyone stay safe and have a great day.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Oh Ali...Where Did You Go Wrong?

For your Friday night listening pleasure, I present Elvis Costello.

I am not sure what else there is to say.  Without question, one of the greatest music artists of the past five decades.  Five decades? crazy is that?  And to think he is married to Diana Krall.  Lucky girl.  Yeah, little bit of a man crush I guess, but did you notice my glasses.

I have to admit, some days I wish I was the Pop Encyclopedia.

In any case, this song goes out to all those folks who walk down the street and happen upon an old flame and see there life not turning out the way they expected it to.  Meanwhile poor Elvis get to sit back, relax and enjoy life with his family.  It is odd how feelings can change.  Odd to see those people who rejected us the most when we tried to reach out to them are the ones who need us the most after we moved on.  Oh well, c'est la vie.

Fixing The Roof

When is the right time to fix a roof?

President Kennedy had a quote that the right time to fix the roof was before the rain or when the sun was shining depending on which version you buy into.  I don't know which is better, but I do know the right time to work on things is before you need to which is why I was amazed yesterday when someone had asked me why we (my oldest son and I) were out taking batting practice so far in front of the season?

Ummm, to get ready?

Look, youth baseball is not all about winning, but I know of no coach who intentionally takes their kids out trying to lose either.  Part of the game is to learn how to compete, how to struggle and overcome when you are down.

Meanwhile I also know that almost every coach talks about fun and talks about winning, but I hear very few coaches talking about preparing to win.  What do I mean?

Well, if you can go out and beat any team without preparing to play, you probably haven't learned many good lessons, if any.  I want the team that understands that winning is usually (90%) of the time about executing regular plays correctly  90% of the time.  I hear lots of coaches, and even fire officers and other public safety officials, talking about 90% 90% of the time, but they don't back it up with the effort of training.  Ugh!  Who does this?

I don't want talk, I want work?  And I don't just want practice because if you practice sloppy, you play sloppy.  In any case, if you want to be great, you have to be foundationally great which means doing the little things again and again and again until they are right.

So my advice for youth baseball coaches is go fix your roof now so that the season's spring showers don't rain on your games.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Here We Go...Again

I know, I know...I'm being judgmental.  Does DC Fire EMS even do background checks?

The most recent situation involves an unhappy firefighter, who is stationed down the street and is supposed to be on standby for flights of Marine One, making a threatening call into The White House switchboard.

I get that this isn't DC Fire's fault per se, but it is one more brick on the scale showing the absolute ineptitude of the DC Fire administration.  This is incredible to me and I am also a little shocked the US Secret Service hasn't been checking who is and who isn't coming through the gates of the residence.

Look, I love blaming Obama for all kinds of problems he is creating, but this one isn't on him.  While I would assume USSS would be more involved in double checking who is showing up via DC Fire, but I really don't blame them either.  This is an issue of knowing what is going on with your employees and DC Fire is clearly sailing without rudder or sail.  Not good.

Teaching Success

One of the problems with being involved with EMS education and training is does the student get it?  Sometimes despite the best intentions, tests, quizzes, and megacodes you don't know if someone "gets it."

Recently I got to hear about a patient who did not compensate post procedure.  Instead of the patient continuing to deteriorate though, a group of students I have been working with intermittently for years, sprang into action and executed a pretty good plan of action which resulted in the patient's condition improving dramatically.

Sometimes you don't realize whether or not you are successful, but is great when you get to see it and see the critical thinking post event in your students as they show not only did they get it, but that they want to then take the next step and go even further.  These are the days I love.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Charge Me Up

Do you recognize the x-ray image?

I know, I know, it could be any kind of metallic disk that is obviously not where it is supposed to be. but today is National Battery Day.  Woo hoo...can you say excitement?  Okay, I don't know that my sarcasm is necessary today.  Let's face it, in 2014, who can get by without their battery driven cellular phone?  Or laptop, or watch, or any number of other items.

Having said that, I am going to use today to highlight a major issue, battery ingestion by youngsters.

Disk batteries contain mercury, silver, zinc, manganese, cadmium, lithium, sulfur oxide, copper, brass, or steel.  They also contain sodium or potassium hydroxide and range in size from about 8 to 20 mm, i.e. pretty and easy to swallow if you are in the everything goes in my mouth stage.

Unfortunately, when junior decides to swallow a battery the sodium hydroxide that is created as a byproduct of energy creation can cause tissue necrosis in the esophagus.  This then leads to perforation - sometimes in as little as six hours.

Even after ingestion and removal, there can be ongoing tissue damage due to residual chemicals.  For those fire guys interested in hazardous materials, these are caustic materials.  For everyone reading, remember caustics eat tissue, corrosives etch metal.

Again, do not get me wrong.  I need batteries as much as the next guy, but today being National Battery Day seemed as good a day as any to talk about accidental ingestion by our little folks.  Keep them and you safe and have a great day.

PS If you find yourself on the scene of a battery ingestion, like poison control, the National Battery Ingestion Hotline might prove useful.  They can be reached at (202) 625-3333.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Emminent Domain or Imminent Doom

What's theirs is theirs and what's yours is theirs.

Welcome to big government.  If you think it can't happen, think again.

In Colorado, the local government is horrified that a middle aged couple would use an existing road and a snowmobile to get to property they own and they plan to fix their fears, by condemning the property and taking it from them.

You thought it was only big bad banks that could take things from you.  Think again!  In this story, the couple is having their property the prize in an eminent domain legal battle.  According to legal experts, normally eminent domain is used to provide the government access to land which isn't theirs for purposes of economics development.  In this case though, the government simply wants the land to preserve open space.

I would hate to argue whether or not a land owner has the right to use his or her land as they see fit, but in this case the Barrie family does not even have designs on expanding or trying to do the economics development thing on their property.  The picture from AP also shows the complete smog and problems with overgrowth in an area....except it is only their house and they just want to be able to access it which requires a snowmobile.

Egad!  Again, the sky is falling.

This should be an environmentalists dream come true.  An unheated cabin with a solar panel to power a single light.  Instead, they movement shows what they are really about.  Controlling what you can and can not do.  This is embarrassing and I fault the US Forest Service on this one too.  Year after year, we have ridiculous wild fires caused by their ineptitude and poor management because they play politics instead of science when it comes to the controlled burning of undergrowth.

For those who thought Obamacare was just a blip on the screen, you should be very afraid.  The permutations of having a Congress that can tell you where to live and what to buy are mind boggling and do not belong in a Constitutional Republic, though to echo Ben Franklin, I'm not sure that's what we have any more.

When The Tables Turn...

Do you remember this video from a few weeks ago?

That's right, it's a California Highway Patrol officer arresting a firefighter on the scene of a working accident.  Do you remember the firefighter's crime?  That's right, he would not move his apparatus from the lane which was providing scene protection to the incident.

Fast forward to yesterday, when I learn that two CHP officers lost their lives responding to a multivehicle accident.  While they weren't on the accident yet, but were responding to it and swrved, losing control of their vehicle, for me the lessons are the same.

Both fire side and police side would do well to remember where they are killed.  The highway.  In 2013, police officers died 47 times in incidents involving automobiles either during pursuit, being struck on the side of the road, etc.  Fire side has similar statistics.  Firefighters don't die in burning buildings, or when they do, it isn't the combustion, but the heart attack that gets them.

What is my point?  Well, crazy idea here...get on the same team before bad things happen.  The incident outside of Chula Vista is totally inappropriate.  I get there are multiple people who could be in command, but when someone is actively caring for a patient, help them get it done, so they can get out of the way and help you move traffic.

This is the kind of stupidity that seems to mark the modern police force though.

Does anyone remember a little incident a few years back called 9/11?  While the attack on the Pentagon could have fallen into any number of command hands that morning, an FBI agent who showed up, Christopher Combs decided instead of taking command of an enormous fire and patient population he was probably undertrained for instead he would find the fire incident commander and ask "what do you need?"

Amazing how quickly a potential problem is defused when we offer help instead of waving our badges around?  To my police colleagues, let me tell you if I may, I have zero desire to be on the side of the road any longer than I have to, but the big red truck keeps us both safe.

Sometimes that isn't even good enough as I was lucky or unlucky enough to be on a scene where a drunk went around the big red truck only to hit a helicopter a few years back because he "didn't know why it was flying so low."

It is stupid that a fatality and an arrest is needed to make Rodney King's point.  We're all in public safety.  Can't we all just get along?

Sunday, February 16, 2014


This morning driving to work I enjoyed the public service radio hour and if you didn't catch my sarcasm, let me be clear, I was being sarcastic.

The show had an author on who was talking about how awful and impossible it was for Millenials to go to college and not end up with $30,000 in debt from either college loans or credit card loans.  IMPOSSIBLE he shrieked.  It is impossible for the average twenty something to get out of his chosen university without a mountain of debt: "you just can't have a life" without doing it.

Really?!?  The author purportedly had an MBA and had written a book on personal economics and he didn't understand that you do have a choice as to whether or not you sign up for that credit card offer or whether or not you work while you are in school?  Really?!?

The fact is lots of people are cutting up their credit cards, noting as Dave Ramsey would say that worshipping at the foot of FICO is not a good trade, that living credit card free makes tons more sense.  I get that not everyone likes Ramsey's "for profit" model of personal financial advice, but to a certain extent his advice is very sound.

Can you get by at a local junior college doing basics before going off to university for a degree?  How about working while you are in school?  I realize that both of these have social implications, but of all the people I went to high school with back in the day, I am still friends with...none of them.  Most of them I can barely remember.  I have a few friends who were a few years older or who I knew before  went to high school, but by and large, who cares if I went to the cool university with them or not.

My career has not been negatively impacted by my decision to get basics done at junior college.

Sorry for the rant, it just bothers me that someone with an economics background would argue there is no choice.  Personal economics is all about choice and choosing what is more important.  If status IS that important to you, guess what, you are going to be saddled with debt.

For me, I just bought a brand new 2004 Volkswagen about six months ago.  I know, brand new 2004 in 2014?  Well, it's brand new to me.  It gets great mileage, has been a breeze to maintain and I paid cash.  Cash for a car.  I don't shell out $350 (or more) in payments every month.  Instead I put that into my family.  Meanwhile, I know people paying nearly twice that on car mortgages whose value only goes down.  That is the definition of ludicrous.

Again, I apologize for the rant, but if you are college age or high school aged, you do have choices.  Another option is to skip school.  If your goal is to manage your local coffee probably don't need an Ivy league education in art history.  You might try your local library though as a starting point.  If you are planning on attending medical school, well, college isn't an option, but figure it out - or at least have an idea - before you shell out thousands of dollars per year for an education that might be that you didn't need to shell out thousands of dollars.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dining On The Young

I am regularly amazed at those in high speed public safety who are there basically for a paycheck and their ego.

Again and again, there are folks who just don't seem that interested in doing what they signed up to do and are "burned out" or "done" with their career choice.  Well, move over.

These same people so rarely will move out of the way for the next generation that they become the people that then dine on the next generation who want to step into the fold and make a difference.  If it's that bad, (a) why are you doing the job, (b) why are you beating down the people who are trying to make it better?

I read a post a while back over at the Irons and Ladders Blog and it was great.  I just don't get why we have to have posts like this or that?

Is it that hard to actually check your unit in the morning?  How hard is it to make sure your crew is up to speed and ready to go?  And if you aren't part of making things work then get out of the way.

There is the classic line about you're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem or part of the scenery.  While being part of the scenery really doesn't help, at least you aren't slowing down progressive efforts to improve the situation.

In any case, I feel lucky to choose to be with people who want to be successful and are in an environment where we can make a difference.  I realize not everyone in public safety has that opportunity.  I hope one day we can all get there though.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Girls With Blue Diamond Eyes...


Okay, so granted this video isn't quite right.  I mean do you ever see this girl's blue diamond eyes?  Seems like your casting director would have been able to at least find you a model with blue contacts, however, a few years ago I may have met a girl with blue diamond eyes.  No, she wasn't in Mexico, but she did go to Tia's Tex Mex with me for Valentine's Day way back in 1998.  That was before we decided to go climbing a rock wall- well I did - in cowboy boots and post two too many margaritas.

Nonetheless, we ended up married and in his song he is in Mexico (I assume he ate some good good like we did), he's singing a country song (I was wearing cowboy boots), and he met an amazing girl with blue diamond eyes (which I did, though a few months earlier), so for this Valentine's Day edition of Friday Night Music, I will go with Brett Eldredge and "Beat of the Music."

Hallmark Holidays And Such...

I know, I know...Valentine's Day is just another Hallmark holiday designed to separate men from their wallets in an effort to woo women.  Chocolate and flowers and expensive dinners and such.  Is it possible there could be more?

While there are multiple Valentines, the holiday is usually based on Valentine, a third century priest during the Roman Empire who would illegally marry young couples, particularly soldiers.

History buffs will recall that in the third century, Rome had adversaries on three sides and was in massive distress at the possibility of being over run on three sides.  This Crisis Of The Third Century.  Emperor Claudius II banned marriage between the young as he believed that unmarried soldiers were more likely to fight strongly than their married counterparts.

Meanwhile Valentine believed firmly in the church's sacrament of marriage and would marry these couples in secret.  When he was found out he was thrown in prison and beat with clubs.  He was eventually beheaded on, you guessed it, 14 February.

Relics of St. Valentine are actually kept in Ireland of all places at the Whitefriar Carmelite Church.  Should you be in Dublin, this is a great opportunity to be part of the Saint who loved both love and the love the Church shows the world.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

O'Captain, My Captain...

Okay, so this has a bit of a personal connection.  No, I don't know Derek Jeter, but I did spend a few really great moments with him on September 11, 2011.

As usual, Mr. Jeter was a baseball gentleman and nothing but class, then and now as he announced his retirement from Major League Baseball.

Jeter's retirement may not leave the hole at short stop some might argue.  I know Brian Kenny made an argument he is the best offensive short stop of all time, but the Yankees organization will suffer a giant hole in their whole with the
loss of their Captain: Mr. November.

As Bob Nightengale noted in his USA Today column, Jeter could have hung around.  He could have continued playing and showed the indignities of age that have hobbled other greats.

If he wanted to be a designated hitter for a few years, it was his choice.
If he wanted to look like a stumbling Willie Mays at the end of his career, a hobbled Mickey Mantle or an old Satchel Paige, Jeter earned the privilege to inform the Yankees when he was retiring.

Instead, Jeter goes out on his terms.  While I doubt he will get to leave with one more World Series ring, perhaps the additions to the team will be enough.  Perhaps the Yankees can somehow make their way through both the AL East and the greater American League to pull it out so he can not only leave on his terms, but as a Champion one more time.

He is the last of the big three: Rivera, Posada, and Jeter.  You can argue Pettitte should be in this group too.  You can look at the numbers as Brian Kenny did, but for me, Mr. Jeter will always be about class and getting the job done.  He was Mr. Clutch, never putting up monster numbers, but always scoring a run, moving a runner, or making a play in the field that mattered to his team.  What else is there?

For me, these are some of the best demonstrations of Derek Jeter.

The flip...

Into the stands...

Tying the 2001 World Series, making him Mr. November...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


It is a little but funny hearing an internet commercial for John Cornyn talking about pushing back against President Obama, all the while I a have just read an article where he and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell seemed to be following Speaker Boehner's lead in capitulation to the administration.

The politics of this are just sad and they don't disarm the conservative wing - they just inflame them.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the GOP is the party of big business and has next to no interest in representing small business, individuals interested in liberty, and pay lip service to the issues of life.

The "leadership" of the Republican Party has devolved into management and runs things via fear.  They try to whip their respective membership into votes that are bad - remember Medicare, Part D - and run in fear rather than on hope.

With the recent capitulation where the GOP has chosen to pass a clean debt increase, the Congress of these United States has basically said, spend whatever you like and we will approve it.  My Visa card limit doesn't go up when I have trouble making payments, which is what was forecast when the credit ratings agencies lowered our AAA credit rating.

While things may be all fun and games between President Obama and Senator McConnell, I hope the voters of Kentucky realize what he is doing and kick him out once the primary occurs.



Who knew?

So my dear wife has joined the blogosphere with her once weekly memo, Wednesday's Words.  I'm not sure it has the catchiest of titles, but what can you do?

In this week's edition however, she decided, to run through all the deleteriousness that our marriage had been on her giving up Pepsi for Coca Cola.  Personally, I don't think it was me as it was the ridiculous heat and humidity we found in Cambita, Dominican Republic while building a school house as part of a church trip.  During lunch and occasionally for fun, our local hosts would treat us with liter bottles of cane sugar Coca Cola.  It gets pretty easy to give up on Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, or almost anything else when you are losing three pounds a day in sweat.  It also makes your newly minted hubby something of a rock star when he drives around on other people's scooters as a Dominican Republic James Dean.

As for the rest of the list, shouldn't everyone know who Legendary Santa is?  My question is how did R-V-A (Richmond, Virginia) get so lucky as to pull that one off?

To the others...I don't make her eat sloppy joe, but it is one of those childhood things that now and then I crave.  Maybe I'm pregnant, who knows?

I don't make her listen to sports radio...I think my oldest son does.

I don't wear heels either.

Zero clue who turned me on to pepperoni and black olives pizza, but thank you.

You also don't have to have very front row tickets, but if I am in section 829 at a game or a show, what is the purpose?  So I can buy the teeshirt?  No thanks.  We don't go to nearly as many ball games now as we did when we were Orioles season ticket holders so I am spending the same amount of money, I am just doing it on fewer live games.  There is an economic principle here about buying better quality or something, but when you are sitting front row by the visitor's dugout and their pitcher tosses your kid a ball (thank you Gavin Floyd) there is something kind of cool about that.  He aint tossing to section 340.

She does fine with keeping score, but I keep track of pitches because as we all know there are metrics out there that predict pitcher success based on whether or not a pitcher can throw a strike when he throws his third pitch.  No, I don't mean strike three, but whether you are 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2, the third pitch should be a strike.  If you don't have the zone figured out yet, you probably cant be on my mound.
She thinks she knows emergency medicine acronyms.  Ha.
She does go get me great limited edition runs of ice cream like Scotch Scotch Scotch.  Sorry, I have another huge issue with butterscotch.  Want to sell me something, add butterscotch.
Look here Mr. Suprun, this BMW has the finest of features: steering wheel, tires, windshield, and look....butterscotch ice cream.  I mean really, what's not to like?
In any case, it's nice to know after all these Valentine's Days I have had some influence.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Okay, so as I start doing reviews of food, shows, or anything else, I am using a star system like anyone else.  That being the case, I am a little more particular than the traditionalists and instead of offering up half stars on a four star chart, will be using five stars.

I have zero desire to confuse anyone so please understand the rating system.

As many of you know, I am in medicine and there is something known as a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatch that can be deadly.  Well, just as deadly from a service standpoint is a delivery/expectation (D/E) mismatch.

One Star: I will likely never set foot in your establishment again.  You have missed the boat and entirely lost me on the whole delivery/expectation mismatch.  Here the delivery is much smaller than the expectation leading to an experience which is probably less than 0.5 if we were to quantify it.

Two Stars of course means our delivery number is still lower than expectations, but you were closer to equaling a "one" experience.

Three Stars is where D and E are equivalent.  I walked in and things were as expected.  I should note also I grade on a curve.  Colin Cowherd is right about Chili's.  You will never get a great meal and you should never have a bad meal at Chili's.  They are just there.  That being said, I do grade them differently than a fine dining place.  Chili's charges me $12 for steak, fine dining $32.  There is a difference and from a knowledge, service, and execution standpoint, I expect fine dining to be better.  If you can't be...go run a Chili's.

In any case, Four Stars is obviously where D exceeds E creating a 1+ event which leads to Five Stars, where D is much higher than E.  I doubt I will be giving many of these out, but try me.

Now, everyone should be on the same page for my food and entertainment reviews.  You can disagree...I'm not offended, but come on.  Really?

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Some days you don't know the impact you have until you are gone.

Today I was speaking at the South Plains EMS Conference in Lubbock, Texas.  I had mentioned this in the Washington area a few days earlier and the immediate question I got from several people was did I know Jim "Major" Majorowski.

The quick answer is I had no idea who the man was, but the community of Lubbock does.  He and I sound like we might have been pretty similar in our lives.  He coached his daughter in soccer and I coach mine in baseball.  He and I both volunteered in our respective communities at our local fire departments and he and I have both been involved with EMS education and delivery.

I wonder sometimes if we keep in mind the people who serve us and we get to serve.  I think about the times when someone has been on my cot as we went to the hospital and they told me they were so-and-so, the wife, mother, brother of someone who had started the rescue squad I was working for.  I think Mr. Majorowski understood this and the impact on the community he had, not as a caregiver alone, but as an advocate for his patients.  Someone who would provide them good care, but a hug when needed.

It reminded me of a survival course I took once.  They told me a person can last three weeks without food, three days without water, but only three minutes without hope.  I suspect Major dispensed hope with all his might and I wonder if he understood how important it was to keep those strings of hope alive for the sick and the dying.  I suspect God has a response vehicle ready for you to keep offering hope to those in need.  Godspeed Mr. Majorowski. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Tunes...No Party Here

So going to last week's Friday Night Music and Nina Simone I wasn't sure what to do for this week and then it hit me...Katy Perry and her song: Last Friday Night.

Now, before you get on me about her politics or commentary or any other nitwittery, let me first remind you this is my water cooler so feel free to take a hike.  In the meantime, I am referencing one of her songs and not some illiterate thought process she may have had on world peace, abortion, the price of milk in the super market or anything else.

That being the case, this is your Friday Night Music so enjoy it.  However, I have a conference I am speaking at in the morning, so there will be no party here for me in Lubbock.  Have a great night folks.

Airplanes, Cars, and Hotel

And we made it to part one and two today (i.e. I am on the plane).  Also, on the plane is Dr. Paul Pepe who I used to work with regularly, though he doesn't seem to have noticed me.  I guess I will have to give him a hard time about this later.

Today is one of those days where we enjoy air travel, getting the rental car, and then the hotel as we continue our journey to another city for another conference.  In this case, it is the South Plains EMS Conference in Lubbock, Texas.  The crowd was great the last time I was there and I am hoping for similar this time.

But first, we must get there.  So, a shameless plug for American Airlines who gets me more places than I can remember, Budget Rental Car, who I almost will exclusively use because the same car is usually $10 cheaper per day than their sister company Avis...someone explain that to me.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What's On Tap?


Where to go on a quick turn around?

In this case, the Philadelphia based City Tap House.

Their Cuban sandwich was perfect and their service was fast.  They knew the group was on a quick lunch trying to get back to an all day program and they were both attentive, yet not pushy. The French fries were not McDonald's, but they were good and to make sure I would have a full on insulin dump post lunch, I also enjoyed the Blue Crab Mac N Cheese.

Unlike some of the spots I have found in DC, people looked like they were enjoying themselves and knew how to handle a table.

If you need a quick lunch and are near Mount Vernon Square, you could do much worse than stopping by the City Tap House.  It is located at 901 I Street, Washington, DC 20536.  Have a good time.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hotel Restaurants With Catchy Names...


Unfortunately, I chose Fire & Sage.  At the time of choosing, I did not realize it was a hotel based restaurant.

I really shouldn't say unfortunately.  It wasn't really was a hotel restaurant, which my experience has been, unless you are a boutique hotel, it is very hard to be fine dining great.

Their steak was a little over cooked and the potatoes were over spiced.  However, where the food's execution might have been lacking, they did go way out of their way on the service side - which was completely unexpected.

Most places do what they have to.  They are hotel based restaurants, but Fire & Sage's staff is where everyone has a smile  It was completely unexpected and gives them some credit.

In The Bayou...Just Off New York Avenue

So you're covering 12 Leads, invasive cardiovascular waveforms, and just a little bit of advanced airway.  What do you do for a meal?  Well, in my case the answer, was head over to Acadiana about a block away from a class I was attending.

The result?  Well, four stars.

First, I drink what I drink so please don't suggest to me I have anything other than one of a very limited selections I choose.  Except, he did suggest a sazerac and maybe the combination of being in class all day made me for a brief instance think, why not?  I am not a rye whiskey drinker, but this was okay and a good start to the meal.

Additionally, their fried green tomatoes were perfectly fried.  They didn't have to go with the fourteen layers of panko breading to make their point...they had a great texture and the remoulade sauce was the perfect compliment.  Because I was trying to enjoy the menu I also had their sweet corn and crab soup.  Okay, so this was a little heavy for a quick meal, but it was going well above average.

Then my server decided to do it again and make a suggestion...shrimp and grits.  Ugh!  I never eat shrimp and grits, but again, something must have come over me, because I did.  Unlike most places where the shrimp are the shrimp and the grits are a combination of toothpaste and whatever, their roux was perfect.  It was gritless.  Instead they went with what was basically a grit cake, almost like cornbread.  Okay, so if I am offending your sensibilities I apologize...not my intention.

The thickness was just right, not too heavy, but not falling apart in the cream sauce either.  It really complimented the meal in a nice way.

The biggest problem with this place is it may have me accepting of server suggestions if they are bold enough to offer them.  For me, hat's off to Acadiana on a job well done.

If you are seeking a little bit of New Orleans on your next trip to Washington, DC, reservations can be made via Open Table.  The restaurant also accepts walk ups and is located at 901 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20001.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am told that the proof is in the pudding is a misquotation from the 14th century.  The correct verbiage should be "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."  In this case though proof references test as in to prove a scientific or mathematical theorem, hence proof.  Unfortunately, the point of this blog is that Proof DC more than failed in its claim to be one of DC's best new restaurants.

I tend to use Open Table or other sites to help me locate decent food when I am traveling and unfortunately they let me down.  Proof was just an exorbitant set of drinks with poor service and under-impressive delivery.

First and foremost, despite being downtown, right across from the Verizon Center, the place does not open until 5:30.  Okay, you close after lunch and do your thing, but meanwhile, I counted no less than four groups of people who wanted entrance at 5:00.  How do you not open your doors?  I should note that when I say group, I do not mean couple, I mean groups as in three or more.  I was completely amazed by the dismissiveness of the host staff to getting people into their place especially in an industry where failure is the norm.

Second, I am not Mr. Tattoo, but if you are going to tell me how brilliant you are at nutrition policy and are ready to explain your capability to the rest of the world, please cover your ink because I don't care for it.  I also don't care for the sermon on why muddling a vegetable for my drink really isn't your thing.

I am not sure when service left the service industry, but surprise surprise, you are there to take care of...ME.  I know the concept is novel, but this goes for drink and food orders.  Perhaps I am less interested in your view than my own.  The difference is I am the one with the greenbacks paying for your internship in nutritional policy by way of tips...if only I could prove that I was the customer.

Given the trouble even getting food and being told how awful I was for ordering the wrong drink (i.e. one my bartender/server didn't want to make), I would have to offer up a solid one star.  I would provide the address, but honestly, I wouldn't direct any business there way.

Snooping Around...

So what to do when you're in Washington, DC a day before you have to be...why not snoop around the International Spy Museum?

I have been before, but going to the museum is always an adventure.

First, unlike many other museums I remember as a child..."look, but don't touch" this museum is all about the touch, or the feel, as it were.

First, you start off as a spy.

That's start off assuming an identity.  For me, I was born in Waipu, New Zealand, though I lived in Canada for my two hour excursion through the museum.  While I may not entirely look it I am only 25 and a teacher headed to the International School for business and shouldn't be here more than 90 days.

Is all that really necessary?  Of course not, unless you are willing to immerse yourself and enjoy the game.  More than one security official at the museum wanted to quiz me on why I was there, where I was from, and what I was doing.

I have no idea if they are required to learn the myriad number of parts themselves, but they played the counter intelligence part pretty well.

In the meantime, you get to go through the archives of historical intelligence gathering from Francis Walsingham to Julia Child.  That's right of "Bon Apetit!" fame.  She and Mo Berg were just two celebrities highlighted as part of the efforts during World War II.

Most importantly to me though was the Bond Exhibit going on now.  I have enjoyed Ian Fleming's bind series since my parents first introduced me when I think I was ten.  The gadgetry, the vodka martinis, the cars...what wasn't to like?  Not to mention all the girls and hitting puberty. Yum.

The Bond section had everything you would expect from the movie posters from across the world to villains' costumes.  They had a bomb detonator you could disable, if you were feeling saucy with only three seconds to go, and even had a helicopter skid you could hang onto as it ascended inches off the ground and you were blasted by puffs of air to simulate that feeling of holding onto the skid as the helicopter takes off.

All in all, a great time, except perhaps the price which is $20 per adult.  Ouch.  However, I am not in Washington all that often anymore, so you have to play when you can and as the man says, you have to pay to play.

The museum is located at 800 F St NW, Washington, DC 20004.  Again, check the website linked above for exact entrance rates and times.  Four stars.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Two Best Super Bowl Commercials

Granted, no one should care about my opinion, but this was the worst year in ...well maybe ever for Super Bowl commercials.  It was sad on many levels.  Thankfully there were two positive examples.

The first is Audi and their no compromise commercial.  The combination Doberhuahua dog that came from compromising at a pet store was hilarious, but only topped by the Sarah McLaughlin being chewed up by the Doberhuahua.  I am not sure how many Lilith Fair tickets Audi will be buying now, but I completely enjoyed it.

The other obvious winner was Oikos yogurt.

In the post Justin and Janet world you knew the half-time show would be clean, but the yogurt commercial had just the right level of pushing the envelope innocently with a great comedic twist.  Strong work and thanks for giving me something to watch other than the game.