Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I am told that the proof is in the pudding is a misquotation from the 14th century.  The correct verbiage should be "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."  In this case though proof references test as in to prove a scientific or mathematical theorem, hence proof.  Unfortunately, the point of this blog is that Proof DC more than failed in its claim to be one of DC's best new restaurants.

I tend to use Open Table or other sites to help me locate decent food when I am traveling and unfortunately they let me down.  Proof was just an exorbitant set of drinks with poor service and under-impressive delivery.

First and foremost, despite being downtown, right across from the Verizon Center, the place does not open until 5:30.  Okay, you close after lunch and do your thing, but meanwhile, I counted no less than four groups of people who wanted entrance at 5:00.  How do you not open your doors?  I should note that when I say group, I do not mean couple, I mean groups as in three or more.  I was completely amazed by the dismissiveness of the host staff to getting people into their place especially in an industry where failure is the norm.

Second, I am not Mr. Tattoo, but if you are going to tell me how brilliant you are at nutrition policy and are ready to explain your capability to the rest of the world, please cover your ink because I don't care for it.  I also don't care for the sermon on why muddling a vegetable for my drink really isn't your thing.

I am not sure when service left the service industry, but surprise surprise, you are there to take care of...ME.  I know the concept is novel, but this goes for drink and food orders.  Perhaps I am less interested in your view than my own.  The difference is I am the one with the greenbacks paying for your internship in nutritional policy by way of tips...if only I could prove that I was the customer.

Given the trouble even getting food and being told how awful I was for ordering the wrong drink (i.e. one my bartender/server didn't want to make), I would have to offer up a solid one star.  I would provide the address, but honestly, I wouldn't direct any business there way.

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