So you will be surprised to note that this movie was filled with spy cliches.
- Old spy drawn back into the game.
- Old spy loses one of the people he cares about.
- Old spy who is hard stays hard...and sad.
- Old spy walks away from everything...including the cool explosions.
Again, this is a film with a quick introduction of the spy who becomes former spy. He is brought back into the game so that he can help one of the few who he cares about. He then finds out his former protege killed the one he cared about and the hunt for how and why begins. Bond formula from here...shooting, explosions, naked girl, moment of reflection, shooting...
It is what it is folks and I didn't walk in expecting much, but if you do want anything out of this film you have to wait until it is forty percent over. Sorry. I like Brosnan. I thought his former spy portrayal in the 2005 movie The Matador was almost hilarious if they didn't have quite the ease they did with the murder of the various victims in that movie. If you want to see Brosnan doing what he does...let's face it - he could play an old retired spy in his sleep - then go plunk down your money and this movie should hit the minimum expectations which is why I gave it three stars. If you expect more, you will be disappointed.
Now, as promised, the good part of the movie was when a guy approached me after the film. I was wearing a FDNY t-shirt to which he asked if I had worked for them. I answered honestly no, but that I had my various brothers in that and many other departments. He then went on to tell me about his career in the CIA.
Let me repeat that...he went on to tell me he worked for the CIA.
"I like to watch these films to check them out," he said. I stood there and nodded politely now wanting to make my way to the car. He didn't scare me. While he did outweigh me and had a few inches in height I was pretty sure I could evade any move he had. I also wasn't worried about a sophisticated recruitment ploy, but I had to ask myself how much schizophrenia could I handle in one day.
The movie had its issues as I outline above, but to now hear a guy who looked like he just left Walmart telling me he was super secret guy and talking about his career in America's super secret agency and his obvious need to validate it via Hollywood made me think I need to start watching rom-coms. Didn't the CIA make the line "I could tell you, but then I would have to kill you" famous? I mean look if you are a CIA employee and need to go watch these films....well, have at it, but don't tell me okay. I may have to shoot you...with a water pistol.
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