In perhaps the clearest indication that Marco Rubio is running for President in 2016, he has recently sent a letter to President Obama explaining why the border need be secured before new measures are discussed to provide a pathway to citizenship.
Is this the same Rubio who was championing comprehensive immigration reform...last year? You know before walking away from it.

Instead of having a principled approach that says "immigrants have always been a part of our country and I have no problem with that" you appear to have a nasty political disease called poll-itis. I realize that for many in the Republican Party immigration is a hard issue. I understand that allowing in millions more workers will dampen wages for the same working class that should be in our camp, but historically this really isn't any different than times before.
We had immigrants with crazy religious ideas who thankfully mostly settled in Pennsylvania. You know...the Quakers. We had thugs of all kinds come over from Ireland and Italy and if this offends you take a look at your own history and the crime we brought over. It is what it is and like now, all the new folks...dampened wages for those who were already here.
I am not nearly as scared of immigration as some of my colleagues are. After all, Jesus was an illegal immigrant, running from the persecution of King Herod. Was he as bad as the folks crossing the Texas border? Was he any different? I know, I the Evangelical Christians will be mad too, but I will find solace in Bishop Olsen's commentary on the immigration question.
However, regardless of my personal opinion on the issue, one thing I know is that serving up policy at the waffle house of believing this, that, or the other thing based on the poll of the day is a turn off with both regular and primary voters. It is not leadership. It isn't Presidential.
If Senator Rubio is serious about being the Savior of the Republican Party that Time magazine declares him to be he might want to figure out issues before polling and/or move the polls in the direction he leads on, rather than holding his finger to the wind.
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