Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Once Again I Belong To The Stupid Party

Part of me wishes there was an IQ test for Members of Congress.  Once again, the GOP has missed the point and is acting as poorly as the opposition.

Instead of handling an issue head on, the House led GOP has chosen to reduce funding to the IRS instead of the intelligent thing...ending it.  Angered by targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups by the IRS bureaucrats, the House has decided to attempt a 25% reduction in the enforcement division.  The headline: GOP Wants To Make It Easier To Cheat On Taxes.

You can't control the media, but that should have been considered beforehand and it reeks of the same behavior as Republicans want to accuse the administration of...i.e. playing favorites.  The problem with the tax code now is it is entirely impossible for the average citizen to understand and is filled with packages of tax breaks for this favorite person or that.  (99% of Republicans are okay with this because now and then they are a favorite.  That doesn't make it right though.)

The IRS Scandal should have been the perfect reason to say no more and pass a flat tax, but still the number of Republicans who will scream about the scandal, but are happy with the system is entirely too high.  This should have been the time when Republicans said we will have a flat tax and eliminate 95% of the IRS.  Instead, the House GOP is showing once again that I belong to the stupid party.

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