Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Gibraltar in cleats...

He was a symbol of indestructibility - a Gibraltar in cleats." -- columnist Jim Murray 

As an Orioles fan, it is always hard to like Yankees, but 2721 hits, 493 home runs, and a streak that would not be broken for generations until the next Iron Man overtook it, speaks for itself.

Today, Lou Gerhrig would be 111 and in remembering his birthday I think abut the quote from Jim Murray talking about the Iron Horse, and the irony, that he would then die from the particularly debilitating ALS.

ALS (Amyotropic Lateral Disease), also known as Lou Gehrig's Disease, is an incurable neuromuscular disease known for the progressive muscle degeneration and weakness that occurs which ultimately causes paralysis.  The disease which attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

When my son spends quality time at the bookshelf at his school library, I am always happy when he wanders towards books on a guy like Gehrig who showed up and played hard everyday.  I know that when Dodge wears "K ALS" on his cleats like Curt Schilling did for so many years it is because he reveres a man who played the game right for so many years only to be destroyed by a horrible disease which eats away at the body at its own pace.

Somehow I suspect Lou Gehrig didn't have any issues being a role model for the boys of his generation that are like my son.  He fulfilled that second duty with the grace and honor he lived his life.  Godspeed Iron Horse.

The ALS Association is seeking cures for Lou Gehrig's Disease.  If you want to make a donation, you can do so on their website.  You can make a donation easily.  My son raised more than $150 himself setting up a fundraiser a few months ago.  Please step up and help us cure this disease.

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